
What the heck is that?
As already said...
A few basic requirements must be met.

These are requirements that the legislature decided more than 50 years ago to enable young people from other countries to have an intercultural exchange. The main purpose of this exchange is to get to know the culture of another country. A family invites someone from abroad and enables this person to experience the life and culture of the host country. In return, the AuPair was required to take part in looking after the children of the host family. This also includes light housework, small purchases, tidying up the children's room and preparing meals for the children of the host family.

An AuPair is not a
€300 slave!!

Unfortunately, this assumption seems to have developed into a trend which we have had to observe more and more often in the past. Two out of three 'cries for help' that reach us from au pairs describe exactly this problem.

As a recent example, we had to get a young girl out of a family that let her toil almost 'non-stop' under inhumane conditions without adequate pay and food. Regular, obligatory school attendance also had to be reminded several times in this case.

'AuPair' means 'Mutual'

This requires mutual support. The host family does this by facilitating the AuPair's stay and intercultural exchange.
In return, the au pair helps take care of the children and relieves the host parents of light household chores. Of course, an AuPair can be expected to clear the table and clean the kitchen or the bathroom...
It is the regularities of the AuPair-atypical work, which have become more and more uncomfortable lately.
The work of the au pair does not include any housekeeping work, or keeping an entire house clean, no care for the elderly, no work in the local business, no field, garden or forest work.

Please note that in the event of an accident, the competent investigative authorities will step in and the AuPair's insurance company may refuse to pay!

We can only urgently warn of the consequences for everyone involved!

...and while we're on the subject:

The well-being of our host families is also very important to us!
Not least for this reason, we warn against such situations.

The host family does not have to accept the fact that an au pair does not want to take part in domestic work
and does not show any other interest.

In such a case, we would be happy to receive a notification so that we can remedy the situation.
Often these denials reflect other concerns or problems that can be resolved in a conversation.

In the event of serious violations of the AuPair contract the host family has an extraordinary right of termination.

In such a case, please inform us immediately!

In order to minimize the risk for our host families of falling for a 'lazy fish',
our AuPair applicants must also meet a number of requirements in order to be admitted to a placement.
We attach great importance to this in the interests of our host families, so that the au pair year becomes a great and exciting cultural experience for both sides!

You can rely on it!
None of us wants to see a face like that!
That's why we're here for you and for your AuPair!

These are the requirements for our AuPairs:

The requirements for Standard AuPairs are:

  • We have received the complete application documents

  • We checked the application

  • We have verified the identity of the applicant

  • The applicant meets the requirements for the AuPair position

The requirements for Certified AuPairs are:

  • We have received the complete application documents

  • We checked the application

  • We have verified the identity of the applicant

  • The requirements for an AuPair job have been met and checked

  • The applicant was crosschecked by an agent

  • The A1 certificate is still pending

The requirements for Premium AuPairs are:

  • We have received the complete application documents

  • We checked the application

  • We have verified the identity of the applicant

  • The requirements for an AuPair job have been met, checked and confirmed

  • The applicant was personally crosschecked by an agent

  • The A1 certificate was successfully passed

The applicant can start his AuPair job immediately!*
*after successful completion of the visa process

The requirements for Premium+ AuPairs are:

  • We have received the complete application documents

  • We checked the application

  • We have verified the identity of the applicant

  • The requirements for an AuPair job have been met, checked and confirmed

  • The applicant was personally crosschecked by an agent

  • The A1 certificate was successfully passed

    The applicant has additional documents such as:

    • A Medical certificate
    • Letters of recommendation from previous employers

    The applicant can start his AuPair job immediately!*
    The applicant can start his AuPair job immediately!* *after successful completion of the visa process

The requirements for EU AuPairs are:

  • We have received the complete application documents

  • We checked the application

  • We have verified the identity of the applicant

  • The requirements for an AuPair job have been met and checked

  • The applicant was crosschecked by an agent

  • The A1 certificate is still pending, has already been passed, or sufficient language skills are available

  • The applicant's place of residence is within the territory of the European Union

We recommend the following additional documents:

  • A Medical certificate
  • Letters of recommendation from previous employers

The requirements for Excange AuPairs are:

  • The AuPair has already successfully started working here

  • The au pair wants or has to change their host family

  • The AuPair has not changed its host family more than 2 times

  • The remaining time of the AuPair stay is at least 6 months

  • The AuPair's visa has not expired or has been revoked


Flip to Landscape

These are the requirements for host families:


  • The regularly spoken language in the host family is German

  • At least some of the host parents must have German citizenship

  • Placement in a family that is related to the AuPair is not possible

  • The host family fully integrates their AuPair into their home environment like a family member and lets them participate in family life

  • The AuPair takes part in the meals together and receives appropriate meals in the form and amount free of charge, unless otherwise agreed between the host family and AuPair

  • The AuPair is entitled to exercise his religion freely and appropriately

  • The AuPair has its own lockable, heatable and functionally furnished room with daylight of at least 8 sqm

  • It must be ensured that the AuPair can contact AuPair.WorkService by phone or email at any time

Getting to know and arrival

  • The host family declares that before signing the official AuPair contract, they have conducted a personal telephone call and/or video interview with the AuPair and have discussed and clarified all questions and details relating to the stay

  • The host family agrees to arrange for the AuPair to be picked up at the nearest international airport, bus or train station after the AuPair has arrived

  • AuPair.WorkService must be informed immediately of the arrival of the AuPair or, in the case of changing AuPairs, of the successful visa change

  • Immediately after the AuPair's arrival, the host family must register with the residents' registration office responsible for the host family

  • The host family must apply for an extension of the residence permit at the responsible foreigners authority within the period entered in the visa. All costs and fees incurred for this are to be borne by the host family and are not owed by the AuPair, even in the event of early termination

  • If the host family would like to take on an Exchange-AuPair who is already in Germany, the travel costs to the home address of the new host family in Germany must be borne by the new host family

  • If you wish to have a personal interview, the AuPair's travel costs to and from the event must be reimbursed

Work permits and working hours

  • Au pairs from non-EU/EEA countries need a valid work permit before starting their au pair work. This is usually already issued with the visa from the embassy and limited to working as an au pair with the inviting host family. This is particularly important when employing a changing au pair, who may only start working with the new host family after a new work permit has been issued. Employment without a valid work permit could be a criminal offense and thus justify the au pair being expelled.

  • The AuPair's weekly working time is a maximum of 30 hours and must not be exceeded on a regular basis

  • Daily working hours can be arranged flexibly and are a maximum of 6 hours per day

  • The working hours are to be regulated in such a way that the au pair can complete their language skills by taking part in an appropriate course and improve their general education by taking part in appropriate events and excursions. For this purpose, four free evenings per week are to be granted regularly

  • For a better overview, the host family should draw up a list of the weekly activities for the au pair, in which the working hours, free time and areas of responsibility are clearly described

  • The host family is not entitled to arrange for the au pair to be referred or to provide the au pair’s services to third parties or families, whether for a fee or free of charge

Pocket money / Allowances

  • The AuPair receives a monthly pocket money of at least € 280.00

  • It is obligatory for the host family to enable the au pair to attend a suitable language school according to the Goethe standard and to contribute at least € 70.00 per month to the costs of the language school and the purchase of learning materials etc. for the entire stay

  • The host family supports the au pair's participation in cultural and social life by providing them with a ticket for local public transport or by organizing or providing transport services themselves

Insurance coverage

  • The host family undertakes to insure the AuPair they take in against accident, illness, pregnancy, childbirth and liability claims. This insurance must be arranged by the host family on the day of arrival in Germany and a copy of the insurance confirmation must be sent to AuPair.WorkService immediately.

  • The confirmation of insurance is essential for the AuPair to obtain the entry visa. In the event of non-existence or insufficient insurance coverage, the host family will bear all the costs of outpatient or inpatient treatment for the au pair

Leisure and vacation

  • The AuPair is to be granted at least one and half days off per week for recreation, which falls on a Sunday at least once a month

  • Public holidays in the federal state in which the host family lives are generally free for the au pair or can be compensated for with time off

  • The AuPair is entitled to paid vacation leave during their stay. Holiday entitlement is calculated as follows:
    Number of working days per week x 4 = annual leave entitlement in days.
    For stays with the host family of less than 12 months, there is a holiday entitlement of 2 days per month of the stay

  • If the au pair is taken on family vacation, this only counts as vacation as long as there is no obligation for the au pair to be present and the activity during the vacation is limited to minor tasks, such as temporarily supervising the child/children

In case of illness

  • Medical care must be granted or made possible in the event of illness

  • If the AuPair employee falls ill, the host continues to guarantee accommodation, meals and the corresponding care and support

  • The continued payment of pocket money by the host is limited to 6 weeks in the event of illness

End of the AuPair year / termination / dissolution

  • The host family agrees to arrange for the au pair to travel to the nearest international airport, bus or train station after the end of the au pair year

  • All changes, such as termination, relocation, etc., must be reported to AuPair.WorkService immediately in writing

  • In the event of termination, the host family is obliged to comply with the contractually agreed notice period of two weeks. During this time, pocket money must be paid, as well as food and accommodation. The notice period can only be shortened if the AuPair and the host family mutually agree

Do you have further questions or need information?

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