Our Services...

...for host families

Search for suitable applicants

The search for suitable AuPair applicants is one of the core processes of a reputable AuPair agency.

The search can involve various steps, such as posting a job advertisement, conducting interviews and checking references and previous work experience.

We conduct thorough application and selection processes to ensure that the potential AuPair applicant is a suitable choice for your family.

The aim of this search is to find an AuPair applicant who not only meets the host family's requirements but is also a good personal and cultural fit with the host family.

Evaluation of applicants

As an agency, we collect information such as CV, references, personal interests and skills of the applicant and conduct interviews to check whether the applicant is suitable for the position.

The assessment also includes a check of language skills and childcare skills.

At the end of the process, the applicant is given an assessment that reflects their suitability to be an AuPair and is intended to help them be placed in a suitable family.

Fair contracts

In our agency work, we attach great importance to the fact that the AuPair contract is fair for both parties and that the needs of both sides are taken into account.

For host families, our contracts include a clear description of the expected duties and responsibilities of the AuPair, such as the amount of childcare, as well as doing light household chores or accompanying the children to activities.

For the AuPair, all relevant information about the host family household is included, including the number of children, the children's ages and their needs, and information about the local area.
The working hours and salary of the au pair are also clearly defined.

Advice on necessary measures before and after the arrival of your AuPair

The counseling covers various topics to help the host family ensure that the AuPair has a good time with them and that the relationship between both parties is positive.

Possible measures include, for example, visa regulations, insurance, accommodation, transport, working hours, leisure activities and compliance with agreements and expectations on both sides.

Care during the stay

Supporting the host family during an AuPair stay includes, for example, clarifying organizational issues, cultural differences and communication problems.

The goal is optimal care for the children as well as harmonious and successful cooperation between the au pair and the host family.
We are available as a contact and supporter for this purpose.

Verification of applicants

The AuPair applicant verification is an internal process that potential AuPair applicants have to go through in order to be able to work as an AuPair in a host country.

This check is carried out by us to ensure that the applicant has the necessary qualifications, skills and personality traits to work as an AuPair.

Verification criteria include language skills, willingness to learn, responsibility, trustworthiness and cultural sensitivity. The verification is intended to protect both parties and ensure that a successful and smooth cooperation is possible.

Cheap prices

In order to host an au pair, host families usually pay a placement fee to an au pair agency or organization to place an au pair with a host family and provide related services.

The fee can vary significantly depending on the agency.
Compare our agency fees with those of other agencies and their range of services.

You will be surprised...

Costs for an AuPair

Cheap prices

In order to host an au pair, host families usually pay a placement fee to an au pair agency or organization to place an au pair with a host family and provide related services.

The fee can vary significantly depending on the agency.
Compare our agency fees with those of other agencies and their range of services.

You will be surprised...

Completion of the formalities

After sending all the necessary documents, we take care of all the formalities for you. Exceptions are those that can only be dealt with by you personally. (e.g. declarations to authorities)

All data protection regulations are of course observed and contracts are protected by us against forgery and changes.
Documents sent will be destroyed after they have been dealt with and after a possible retention obligation according to security level 5.

Aftercare for a smooth transition after completing the AuPair year

Supporting and accompanying the AuPair after the end of the AuPair year is also an important process when the AuPair returns to their home country or travels on to a new country.

The aftercare is intended to ensure that the au pair year ends as smoothly as possible for the au pair and host family and that the au pair enters the new phase of their life with a positive attitude.

Saying goodbye to the au pair can be difficult for children in a host family. The AuPair was an important part of their everyday life and often helped them to learn new things and about life in the AuPair's home country. But saying goodbye to the children is often very emotional for the AuPair as well.

Therefore, an important part of aftercare is maintaining contact between the AuPair and the children. In this way, the children can keep in touch with the AuPair even if they no longer have them around every day.

We are also happy to assist you with advice and action on this sensitive topic.

Do you have further questions or need information?

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