General Questions and answers for AuPairs

Dear future AuPair,

On this page we have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers for you.

This does not constitute tax, employment or other legal advice, but merely personal opinions.

The relevant authorities will be happy to provide you with legally binding information.

If you miss a topic or your question is not included, do not hesitate to contact us.


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At the beginning, find out about the legal framework for au pairs in the country in which you want to work to ensure that your rights are respected. Arab countries in particular have repeatedly drawn unpleasant attention in the past due to abductions, forced labor and exploitation. The safest way to determine that you are in contact with a reputable host family is always personal contact. Meet your host family in person before the start of your stay to get a better feel for their seriousness and personality.

Speak openly about your expectations and concerns and listen carefully to how they respond.
Pay attention to small details in the way the family members deal with each other and with you that indicate respect and appreciation.
If the host family understands your doubts and is willing to work with you, this speaks for their trustworthiness.

If you come from a far away country, the possibility of a personal conversation is of course difficult or even impossible.
In this case, arranging a video chat is the only way to determine the seriousness of your future host family.
While they are talking to you, ask the family about anything that seems dubious to you.

If your host family suggests that you should not live and work with them but with another family, break off contact and inform us immediately!

Last but not least: Listen to your gut feeling and trust that you are the best judge of whether a family is right for you or not.

Do you have further questions or need information?

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